We invest in women in 17 conflict-affected countries around the world as they rebuild their lives. We invest where inequality is the greatest by helping women who are forgotten— the women survivors of war and conflict. We help them learn the skills they need to rebuild their families and communities, and to transform their lives. The women in our direct delivery programs engage in community cohorts who learn to save, build businesses, understand their rights, improve their health, and participate towards transformation for themselves, their families, and communities. For 30 years, Women for Women International has used an integrated approach to innovate; we are a learning organization that listens to data, our country teams, and women themselves to constantly evolve and improve the way we work.
Since 2002, we have operated in five provinces of Afghanistan. Participants of our program receive vocational training for jobs like animal husbandry, tailoring and knitting, participating in savings and self-help groups, and learn to invest in their businesses as they receive stipends. Through this curriculum, they prepare to earn an income and invest in savings. They are trained by our team to embrace and defend their rights, support decision-making in their households, and create social change in their communities. WfWI programming includes men’s engagement, where male family members and community leaders are engaged as allies and key supporters.
WfWI also support grassroots and local organizations, led by women community leaders, to gain access to resources and capacity-strengthening that improves their ability to respond to their organization and their community’s self-identified priorities. Globally, WfWI advocates to ensure that women’s participation, voice, and leadership are central to the long-term changes we’re driving. Through listening to women, we build the evidence base to engage decision-makers at every level in a transformative effort to sustain an enabling environment for women in conflict-affected contexts.