Title of Extender: Nutrition Nurse, and Nutrition Screeners
Duty Station:
- Nutrition Nurse - Bala Murghab - Mangan Health Facility
- Nutrition Screener - Bala Murghab - Dawoodi Health Facility; Qurmoch - MHNT I Health Facility;
Number Required: 1 Nutrition Nurses, 2 Nutrition - Screeners
Time Frame: Till 31st July 2025
Job Description:
Nutrition Nurse:
- Responsible for management of SAM children (OPD-SAM and IPD SAM).
- Ensured the nutrition activities are being implemented in line with standards.
- Improved early detection of malnourished cases.
- Ensured the targets are being achieved.
- Make sure the SAM addition is strengthened.
- Ensure SAM cases are being treated in line with standards.
- Diagnosis, treatment of the SAM patients with medical complication as per the national IMAM guidelines.
- Checking for all IMNCI danger sign and performance of physical examination for admitted SAM children.
- Provide nursing care to inpatient SAM children and prepare milk preparation (F75 and F100) as per standard IMAM guideline.
- Ensure proper recording keeping at clinics and report data weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis as per standard reporting format.
- Proper stock management and updating of stock cards and RUTF supply management.
- Regular conduct sessions and provide health and nutrition education to mothers and care takers of SAM children.
- Screening children and pregnant or lactating women for malnutrition
- Admitting or discharging patients based on IMAM guidelines.
- Register and undertake growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) including measure weight, height, age and check edema of all children under two years of age.
- Conduct GMP based counseling of mothers/caregivers of all children under two years of age on appropriate Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) practices and infection prevention.
- If the child is normal, encourage and counsel mother to reinforce and promote age appropriate MIYCN practices.
Nutrition Screener:
- Develop community mapping in close coordination with CHS across the HFs catchment area
- Regular outreach plan approved and signed by the HF director
- Daily community outreach to promote screening session
- Do regular house to house screening of under five children to assess their nutrition status using MUAC taps.
- Register all screened children and report to the HFs and office
- Perform other tasks and responsibilities as discussed with his/her supervisor deemed necessary for the implementation of the program.