As IT Audit Officer you are responsible to:
1. IT auditor must work to create a solid information technology infrastructure, and collaborate with clients to devise and put in place policies and procedures regarding network security issues.
2. Reviewing external IT Audit report and inspection reports that all recommendations made in the report have been complied with.
3. Surprise check twice/thrice in a month ATM machines.
4. Should have practical experience of deal with DR site, Server and other issues.
5. Network (checking of network firewalls, network gaps, cabling, all of devices configuration, branches connectivity, network security, network monitoring software and it is usage, internet and Data connectivity’s, and monitoring of all related network Section)
6. System administration (Bank Official email domain and it is user “who has access”, checking and monitoring of all servers, applications, printers, scanners, copiers, computer systems, user privileges, helpdesk services, and all related systems which relevant to System Admin section)
7. CCTV (monitoring Recording of all cameras and sound systems, DVR’s record backups “video and sound”, Hard drives, DVR’s, sound system, and all systems which related to CCTV section)
8. Ensure DR site testing and deviations to be reported immediately.