Background Information - Afghanistan
With more than 20 years of experience in the country, UNOPS Afghanistan focuses on providing maximum support to the people of Afghanistan through the delivery of projects and services that improve the lives of people in need. The UNOPS Afghanistan Country Office (AFCO) serves as an organizational mechanism to deliver a range of projects for which UNOPS has been designated as the implementation agency. At present, UNOPS AFCO activities cover a range of sectors including humanitarian, basic human needs, cash for work, infrastructure, development, procurement and HR services.
The functional objective of UNOPS AFCO is to contribute to improving the lives of girls, boys, men and women living in Afghanistan. The aim of UNOPS AFCO is to provide efficient and cost-effective implementation services on behalf of all our partners to support the humanitarian response and development of the country. UNOPS AFCO’s mission is to exceed the expectations of all stakeholders in the delivery of AFCO services, at all times, in all places, in all circumstances, in order to improve the lives of Afghans in need.
Background Information - Job-specific
Project Information
In this project, UNOPS will act as a “verifying agency” with the aim to scrutinize, verify and resolve the pending claims between the relevant De-facto Authority (DFA) employing ministry or agency and contractors, consultants and suppliers, both international and local, for the works and services completed before 15 August 2021 under the relevant externally financed projects in the country. The assignment includes the verification of different types of contracts, including civil works supply of goods and services by consultancy firms and individual consultants, mainly in the infrastructure sectors across the country. The verification work will also include verification of certain other project costs incurred before 15 August 2021.
UNOPS will provide the financier of the proposed project with a comprehensive overview of the state of potential unresolved project-related claims, clarify the amount of pending payments with credible supporting documents, and make recommendations for the amounts to be paid to each contractor, consultant, supplier or project-affected person.
Key project stakeholders are the financier of the proposed project, working level staff of Afghanistan De-facto Authority ministries, contractors, consultants, suppliers (both international and local).
Job-Specific Information
UNOPS is seeking an intern to assist in various tasks related to the financial verification of the claims for payments in reference to the above project description. The intern will be supervised by the Project Management Support Specialist - Finance and assist in the performance of the below key functions: